with our secure online converter
Drag and drop your files here or click to upload.
You can specify multiple input files.
Our API accepts a single *.SQLITE, *.SQLITE3, *.SQLITEDB or *.DB file as input. Files with these extensions are usually SQLite database file.
Additionally, it's possible to specify a SQLite-WAL-file, in case you use Write-Ahead logging.
Max file size for web uploads: 50 GB
The API will return a ZIP archive that contains a .SQL file. This .SQL is a MySQL dump file and can be restored into your MySQL installation.
For small databases, the conversion process usually takes only seconds or a few minutes. For big databases, the process might be significantly longer.
Already 2,000+ satisfied customers with over 700,000+ databases successfully converted.
Download the RebaseData client Java tool . To convert your database using RebaseData, run the following command:
java -jar client-0.0.5.jar convert --output-format=mysql file output-dir/
Replace file with the path to the *.SQLITE, *.SQLITE3, *.SQLITEDB or *.DB file you want to convert.
The file output.zip will contain a MySQL .SQL file with your data or the error message if something went wrong.