At first make sure you have the PyPi package poster installed. On Ubuntu you
can install it in
the terminal like this:
apt-get install python-poster
Create a Python file with the following code to read
your Visual FoxPro files.
Don't forget to replace the example file paths with the actual ones.
from poster.encode import multipart_encode
from poster.streaminghttp import register_openers
import urllib2
# Register the streaming http handlers with urllib2
# Use multipart encoding for the input files
datagen, headers =
multipart_encode({ 'files[]': open('northwind.dbc', 'rb'), 'files[]': open('northwind.dct', 'rb'), 'files[]': open('northwind.dcx', 'rb'), 'files[]': open('categories.dbf', 'rb'), 'files[]': open('categories.cdx', 'rb'), 'files[]': open('categories.fpt', 'rb')})
# Create the request object
request = urllib2.Request('', datagen, headers)
# Do the request and get the response
# Here the Visual FoxPro files get converted to CSV
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
# Check if an error came back
if'Content-Type') == 'application/json':
# Write the response to /tmp/
with open('/tmp/', 'wb') as local_file:
print 'Conversion result successfully written to /tmp/!'
After running the command, try to open /tmp/
The archive contains CSV files that you can read easily with Python.